Monday, June 29, 2009

Council Meeting - July 6th at 8:00pm

Join us for our next Council Meeting on Monday Evening July 6th at 8:00pm. Meeting will be held in Council Chambers. All members are encouraged to attend.

Friday, June 26, 2009

K of C Home Association Presents Recognition Award / Receives Donation from Home Ladies Organization

On Wednesday Evening June 24th, The Knights of Columbus Home Association presented Brother Knight Leo Ochreiter with a plaque in recognition for his years of dedication and service to the Council Home. Also, the prior night, The Jaquelines presented the Home Association with a check for $1,500 Dollars. Pictured are Jaquelines Vice President Debbie Murosky, President Joan McFadden, Leo Ochreiter and KofC Home Association President Joe Chernouskas.

Council Recognizes Area Altar Servers in 8th and 12th Grades

The Knights of Columbus President John F Kennedy Council 372 held the Annual Altar Server Recognition Mass on May 23rd at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Graduating Altar Servers in the 8th and 12th Grades from parishes in Greater Pittston were honored including Elizabeth Franco, Katie Kugler, Catherine Lombardo, Kristen Lombardo, Angelina Reed, Tiffany Smith, Blaise Twarowski, Michael Twardowski, Holly VanLeuvan and Joseph Zelonis. Additional thanks to Chairman Greg Serfass, Council Chaplain Father Gregory Finn, Brother Patrick McLaughlin, Faithful Navigator Martin Simko and Sir Knight Alan Dente. All recipients were given a recognition certificate and a rosary for their service to their individual parishes.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

4th Degree Assembly Elects New Officers for 2009-2010 Fraternal Year

The Knights of Columbus President John F. Kennedy Assembly 948 in Pittston has elected Officers for the Upcoming 2009-2010 Fraternal Year, beginning July 1st, 2009.

Faithful Navigator: James Rose

Faithful Comptroller: William Burke

Faithful Captain: James Nardone

Faithful Admiral: Martin Simko

Faithful Purser: Joseph Petro

Faithful Pilot: Joseph Rudick

Faithful Scribe: Blaise Alan Dente

Inner Sentinel: Robert Breza

Outer Sentinel: Francis Ankenbrand

Trustees: Richard Shields, Gerald Loughney, Edward Slade

Best wishes for a successful upcoming Fraternal year!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Silver Rose Program To Be Held In Jessup

The Silver Rose program features a sculpted silver rose carried by Knights from Canada, through the United States, to Mexico, bringing the Culture of Life message on its journey. The silver rose is received at councils and parishes along its way and Masses and prayer services are offered. The Silver Rose honors Our Lady of Guadelupe. Our area has the honor of hosting this special Prayer Service at Holy Ghost Church at 313 First Avenue in Jessup on Wednesday June 17th. The Program begins at 7:00PM. Show your support for Our Lady as we pray for continued strength during these troubled times. The Rose will then travel to Philadelphia and continue on its journey throughout the United States. Please join the Knights of Columbus for this prayer service honoring our lady.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Lady of Charity Prayer Program - June 15th at 8:00pm

Our regularly scheduled Council Meeting on June 15th has been changed to a prayer service to Our Lady of Charity. Our Lady of Charity has special significance to the Knights of Columbus, given the Order's first principle of Charity. Brother Knights and their families are invited to join us in the Council Chambers at 8:00pm.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Knights of Columbus License Plates Available

The Knights of Columbus Pennsylvania State Council has been running the License Plate program for many years. Several Brother Knights from our Council currently have K of C Plates on their vehicles. This year, the license plates are being updated to the one shown to the left. Any Brother Knight interested in registering for a Knights of Columbus plate can do so at the state website at A form is available for you to download from the site and print . Otherwise, contact Grand Knight Rob Joyce for a form.

Friday, June 5, 2009

4th Degree Meeting & Elections - June 10th at 8pm

The Knights of Columbus Assembly 948 will hold their monthly meeting and Annual Election of Officers on Wednesday Evening June 10th at 8pm in Council Chambers.

Oblate of St Joseph Celebrate 80 Years in Pittston

On May 31st, the Oblates of Saint Joseph in Pittston celebrated 80 years of service to our area with a Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and a reception with special guest Angelo Cardinal Sodano, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals in Rome. Pictured with Cardinal Sodano below are KofC Outside Guard and OSJ Seminarian Brother Patrick McLaughlin, KofC Warden Jim Nardone, KofC Recorder Jack Casper, Rev. Daniel Schwebs, OSJ, Rev. Joseph Sibliano, OSJ, and KofC Chaplain Rev. Gregory Finn, OSJ. The Knights of Columbus Color Guard were present in large numbers for the Mass Procession.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Council Elects Officers for the 2009-2010 Fraternal Year

The Knights of Columbus President John F. Kennedy Council 372 in Pittston has elected the Council Officers for the Upcoming 2009-2010 Fraternal Year, beginning July 1st, 2009.

Grand Knight: Robert G Joyce

Deputy Grand Knight: Gregory Serfass

Chancellor: James Rose

Recorder: John Casper

Treasurer: Raymond Pasavage

Advocate: Michael Vough

Warden: James Nardone

Inside Guard: Paul Kamor

Outside Guards: Robert Breza, Patrick McLaughlin

Trustee 3rd Year: Theodore Harowicz

Trustee 2nd Year: Richard Shields

Trustee 1st Year: Edward Slade

Best wishes for a successful upcoming Fraternal year!!!