Monday, August 31, 2009

K of C Annual World Day of Prayer - September 11th

Councils, assemblies and circles are urged to organize events and activities on Sept. 11 promoting prayer for peace in the world, and recognize those individuals in your community who work to bring about true peace. It is also a time to encourage members and their families to take time out on this day for personal prayer and reflection.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pittston Knights Make News at Festival

(Photos courtesy of WBRE-TV)

Deputy Grand Knight Greg Serfass and Past Grand Knight Fran Ankenbrand made news Saturday at the Pittston Tomato Festival's Tomato Fights. Each was dressed in a Tuxedo courtesy of Sarno & Sons. Both Knights were interviewed by WBRE Eyewitness News and DGK Serfass made the front cover of the Sunday Dispatch.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Council Meeting - August 31st at 8:00pm

Join us for our next Council Meeting on Monday Evening August 31st at 8:00pm. This meeting is being held a week early due to Labor Day. This meeting will be held in Council Chambers. Also, join us for reciting the Rosary prior to the Council meetings at 7:40pm. All members are encouraged to attend.