Saturday, April 25, 2009

Knights Hold "Measure Up" Drive For PA ARC on 4/25

Council 372 collected for the Knights of Columbus PA ARC "Measure Up" campaign on Saturday, April 25th outside Quinn's Market in Pittston. A total of $150.90 was raised for the ARC of Pennsylvania. Thanks to Brother Knights Rich Korpusik, Joe Rudick, Rich Shields, Ray Pasavage, Jim Nardone and Rob Joyce that assisted with this drive. Also, thanks to Quinn's Market for having us and to all in the community for their generous donations!


  1. Nice job, brother knights..........

  2. Thank you for the kind words! As an update to this story, at the last Council Meeting, it was passed to round the donation up to $150.00 As Grand Knight, I am truly proud of the work that is happening in our Council!
